Metabolism Q & As

How do you stay on track for eating healthy?

Recognizing and understanding how food affects our blood sugar and insulin resistance

Self-love around food and our bodies (intuitive eating)

Meal prepping

Eating three meals/day and managing blood sugar

How do you deter cravings for snacks/unhealthy foods?

Blood sugar control and insulin resistance

How we should feel after we eat meals

Three meals/day

Gut-brain connection and NTM stimulation around foods

Making healthy recipes of foods that you enjoy (i.e. Chinese, fajitas, etc.)

Why do I wake up hungry?

Blood sugar dysregulation throughout the day

Eating too early before bed

Too much stress during the day or before bed (bluelight exposure, alcohol, exercise before bed, low blood sugar, physical/mental stressors)

Ways to get more protein?



Collagen powder

Smoothies with protein powders


Protein-dense pastas (Banza or Ancient Harvest) instead of wheat based

Peanut butter/nut butter

Boiled eggs

Rx bar (no added sugar), Chompt jerky sticks, Epic bars

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